There have been a lot of questions circulating about how Troop 800 intends to safely resume regular Troop meetings and camping activities. A lot of thought and research has gone into the following plan, which has been shared with The Heart of Virginia Council, who intend to use it as the framework for their own plan. Please read it thoroughly, because it contains many very important changes and new requirements in many areas.
Now that we have entered Phase II of Virginia's reopening plan, it is time for us to get our scouts involved again and back on track.
Phase I - Online Patrol, Troop and Committee Meetings or similar in group of less than 10 in-person attendees, preferably outside and with practice of social distancing and face coverings.
- Participants are asked not to attend if they have experienced fever, cough, sore throat or been exposed to anyone suspected of being sick in the last two weeks and by attending certify that:
- They do not and have not had a temperature greater than 100 DegF in the last 48 hours.
- Do not and have not had flu like symptoms in the last 14 days.
- Do not have a cough.
- Do not have difficulty breathing.
- Have not been exposed to anyone testing positive or having flu like symptoms in the last 14 days.
- Have not lost sense of smell or taste.
- Adult leader uses non-contact thermometer to check temperatures. Anyone with a temperature above 99 DegF is not admitted.
- Adult Leader counts scouts as they arrive and requests that parents gather away from the group -- adhering to social distancing and recommending face coverings. If attendance is greater than 10 people including leaders, the group should be broken in two and separated by at least 50 feet.
Phase II - In-person Troop Meetings and Patrol Meetings -- limited to 50 people unless recommendation is modified (such as percentage of area capacity).
- Participants are asked not to attend if they have experienced fever, cough, sore throat or been exposed to anyone suspected of being sick in the last two weeks and by attending certify that:
- They do not and have not had a temperature greater than 100 DegF in the last 48 hours.
- Do not and have not had flu like symptoms in the last 14 days.
- Do not have a cough.
- Do not have difficulty breathing.
- Have not been exposed to anyone testing positive or having flu like symptoms in the last 14 days.
- Have not lost sense of smell or taste.
- Adult leader uses non-contact thermometer to check temperatures. Anyone with a temperature above 99 DegF is not admitted.
- Adult Leader counts scouts entering at the door and requests that parents remain outside or gather by the front steps -- adhering to social distancing and recommding face coverings.
- If entrants reach 50 total scouts and leaders, Target First Class scouts and leaders will separate into a different room in order to limit people in the large meeting area to no more than 50.
- Scouts wash hands when entering and at the end of the meeting.
- Scouts sit by patrols and enter by different aisles to marked sections.
- Each patrol will have at least one adult leader present to assure adherence to COVID-19 precautions (social distancing, face coverings and behavior).
- Seating at least six feet apart wtih face coverings (can use neckerchief if no mask is available).
- Disposable masks may be made available for those who do not have one with them.
- Suggest every third chair and every other row.
- Speakers use small amplification system to be heard during presentations.
- Exit by patrol to circle around the room (or if needed outside for adequate spacing), then by patrol to exit the building.
- Cleanup may include having each scout wipe down their own chair with paper towel wet with sanitizer (if hard surface chairs are used).
- If upholstered seats are used, they should remain unoccupied for 48 hours before reuse or be sprayed with a sanitizer like Lysol before reuse.
Campouts (limited to 50 people)
- Participants are asked not to attend if they have experienced fever, cough, sore throat or been exposed to anyone suspected of being sick in the last two weeks and by attending certify that:
- They do not and have not had a temperature greater than 100 DegF in the last 48 hours.
- Do not and have not had flu like symptoms in the last 14 days.
- Do not have a cough.
- Do not have difficulty breathing.
- Have not been exposed to anyone testing positive or having flu like symptoms in the last 14 days.
- Have not lost sense of smell or taste.
- Parents MUST transport their scouts to/from camp in their own individual cars.
- On arrival, an Adult Leader uses non-contact thermometer to check temperatures. Anyone with a temperature above 99 DegF is not admitted.
- All scouts will tent individually, except for siblings.
- Face coverings are required during Phase II.
- Temporary handwashing and shower stations setup.
- Hand washing required multiple times a day. Showers may be available and required/encouraged. Hand sanitizer if available.
- All meals will be provided by the Troop with strict sanitary regulations.
- Gloves and masks for cooks and servers.
- Paper products used to eliminate concerns fo washing effectiveness.
- Patrols called individually to be served to maintain spacing of people.
- Eat in individual chairs spaced apart in patrol sites (each scout to bring a folding chair on campout).
- Greater spacing (6 ft) during assemblies and activities.
- Consider spray disinfecting tents at end of campout.
- Return transportation same as arrival.
- Participants are asked not to attend if they have experienced fever, cough, sore throat or been exposed to anyone suspected of being sick in the last two weeks and by attending certify that:
In the event any Scout becomes ill (develops a fever or respiratory symptoms), they will be immediately isolated from all others and their parents will be called to come pick them up immediately.
Phase III - In-Person Troop Meetings, Patrol Meetings and Campouts
- Participants are asked not to attend if they have experienced fever, cough, sore throat or been exposed to anyone suspected of being sick in the last two weeks and by attending certify that:
- They do not and have not had a temperature greater than 100 DegF in the last 48 hours.
- Do not and have not had flu like symptoms in the last 14 days.
- Do not have a cough.
- Do not have difficulty breathing.
- Have not been exposed to anyone testing positive or having flu like symptoms in the last 14 days.
- Have not lost sense of smell or taste.
- Adult leader uses non-contact thermometer to check temperatures. Anyone with a temperature above 99 DegF is not admitted.
- Adult Leader counts scouts entering at the door and requests that parents remain outside or gather by the front steps -- adhering to social distancing and recommding face coverings.
- If entrants reach 50 total scouts and leaders, Target First Class scouts and leaders will separate into a different room in order to limit people in the large meeting area to no more than 50.
- Scouts wash hands when entering and at the end of the meeting.
- Scouts sit by patrols and enter by different aisles to marked sections.
- Each patrol will have at least one adult leader present to assure adherence to COVID-19 precautions (social distancing, face coverings and behavior).
- Seating at least three feet apart wtih face coverings suggested
- Suggest every other chair and every other row.
- Speakers use small amplification system to be heard during presentations.
- Cleanup may include having each scout wipe down their own chair with paper towel wet with sanitizer (if hard surface chairs are used).
- If upholstered seats are used, they should remain unoccupied for 48 hours before reuse or be sprayed with a sanitizer like Lysol before reuse.
Campouts (limited to 50 people)
- Participants are asked not to attend if they have experienced fever, cough, sore throat or been exposed to anyone suspected of being sick in the last two weeks and by attending certify that:
- They do not and have not had a temperature greater than 100 DegF in the last 48 hours.
- Do not and have not had flu like symptoms in the last 14 days.
- Do not have a cough.
- Do not have difficulty breathing.
- Have not been exposed to anyone testing positive or having flu like symptoms in the last 14 days.
- Have not lost sense of smell or taste.
- Parents may transport Scouts to camp in individual cars or Scouts may be carpooled with limits of crowding in vehicles (masks encouraged).
- Scouts may tent individuallyl if they want to.
- Face coverings are encouraged when in groups.
- Temporary handwashing and shower stations setup.
- Hand washing required multiple times a day. Showers may be available and required/encouraged. Hand sanitizer if available.
- Meals will be prepared with strict sanitary regulations either at patrol level with adult sueprvision or by rotating patrols for troop with advisor supervision.
- All meals will be provided by the Troop with strict sanitary regulations.
- Gloves and masks for cooks and servers.
- Scheduled for different times to wash dishes and have water changed in between.
- Patrols called individually to be served to maintain spacing of people.
- Eat in individual chairs spaced apart in patrol sites (each scout to bring a folding chair on campout).
- Arm's length spacing during assemblies and activities.
- Consider spray disinfecting tents at end of campout.
- Return transportation same as arrival.
- Participants are asked not to attend if they have experienced fever, cough, sore throat or been exposed to anyone suspected of being sick in the last two weeks and by attending certify that:
In the event any Scout becomes ill (develops a fever or respiratory symptoms), they will be immediately isolated from all others and their parents will be called to come pick them up immediately.