Kroger Card

Kroger Community Rewards

Thank you for helping Troop 800 activity funding by participating.  This program links your Kroger's Plus Shopper's Card to the Troop 800 Kroger Community Rewards account.  A percentage (5%) of everything supporters spend at Kroger will go to scouts each quarter.  Your spending information is 100% confidential and Kroger does not share this information with any organization which it funds.

Enrolling in this program DOES NOT affect your fuel points earnings.

NOTE -- Kroger requires that you re-register your card with your chosen organization every year.

If you use your phone number at the register, call (800)576-4377 to get your Kroger Rewards number linked to your phone number. Then...

  1. Go to
  2. If you previously created a Kroger ID attached to your Kroger Rewards card, go to Step 4.
  3. If you have never created a Kroger ID attached to your Kroger Rewards card:
    • Click Create Account.
    • Follow the steps to create an account and type in the number of your Kroger Plus Shopper's Card.
  4. Click Sign In.  Sign on with your Kroger ID.
  5. Under Kroger Community Rewards, click the orangeEnroll Now button.
  6. Complete your name and address on the form. (Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are REQUIRED).
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. Enter 82984 or Troop 800 in the box for the Organization.  Click Search.
  9. Click the radio button (the little circle) for Boy Scout Troop 800.  Click Enroll.
  10. If everything was successful, you should get the following message:
    • account summary


Please forward or print out this information and share it with friends, neighbors, co-workers or extended family who are willing to help Scouting.

Thank you!

About Us

Scouting America Troop 800 meets every Tuesday night from 7:30pm-9:00pm at Bethel Baptist Church in Midlothian, VA

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