Thank you for helping Troop 800 activity funding by participating. This program links your Kroger's Plus Shopper's Card to the Troop 800 Kroger Community Rewards account. A percentage (5%) of everything supporters spend at Kroger will go to scouts each quarter. Your spending information is 100% confidential and Kroger does not share this information with any organization which it funds.
Enrolling in this program DOES NOT affect your fuel points earnings.
NOTE -- Kroger requires that you re-register your card with your chosen organization every year.
If you use your phone number at the register, call (800)576-4377 to get your Kroger Rewards number linked to your phone number. Then...
- Go to
- If you previously created a Kroger ID attached to your Kroger Rewards card, go to Step 4.
- If you have never created a Kroger ID attached to your Kroger Rewards card:
- Click Create Account.
- Follow the steps to create an account and type in the number of your Kroger Plus Shopper's Card.
- Click Sign In. Sign on with your Kroger ID.
- Under Kroger Community Rewards, click the orangeEnroll Now button.
- Complete your name and address on the form. (Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are REQUIRED).
- Click the Save button.
- Enter 82984 or Troop 800 in the box for the Organization. Click Search.
- Click the radio button (the little circle) for Boy Scout Troop 800. Click Enroll.
- If everything was successful, you should get the following message:
Please forward or print out this information and share it with friends, neighbors, co-workers or extended family who are willing to help Scouting.
Thank you!